Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have you done the first resolution GemiNErs? If you done with the lighting let’s we changed your kitchen soon for the best bright resolution in 2009!.

Why kitchen? ouuh c’mon GemiNErs..i knew your kitchen is more than a sink. Especially when you are loves cooking a lots. You should need a cooktops, oven, ranges, freezers, microwave, deep fryers and even more grills for your backyard barbeque later.

But don’t forget you must have a dishwashers too for help you out do the dirty work, mostly for lazy people like me or you perhaps..hahhahahhha, a dishwashers are my best friend GemiNErs!.

A kitchen without a refrigerator too is like a shoes without socks, so emptiness. Because you can keep it all your favourite foods in refrigerator without any worry your food might be out of date.

So what are you waiting for? You better have it all immediately! But for me, I’d only need a coffee maker for this year..lol


  1. Susy Ella said...
    kalo gw ga hanya butuh dapur aja sih.....pengen tahun ini bisa punya rumah sendiri.....doakan yaa..aamiin
    jUnE0u said...
    wuihh..amieenn, jadi istri yg baik ya buu
    Anonymous said...
    ga bisa bahasa inggris jun :lol:
    jUnE0u said...
    bacanya bawa kamus gih bang..hehehhe
    Anonymous said...
    wah alat dapurnya canggih2 hehe... btw maap nih baru sempat berkunjung lagi IM2 lagi bikin stres
    jUnE0u said...
    yawda kalo gitu tar resolution ketiganya adalah ganti server yg lebih oke dari IM3 aja..

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