Monday, November 24, 2008

My SeRoToNiN

Did you know beautiful is not beautiful without you?
So would you please leave me pieces of you
and help me end.. ?

Cuz' i won't sleep tonight with the gun in my mouth again..again..again...
So would you please leave me pieces of you
and help me end.. ?

Die..die..die my darling...
Kill me well & don't say a words cuz' heaven is here..

Did you know beautiful is not beautiful without you?
So would you please leave me pieces of you
and help me end.. ?

wrote & finished Dec 19-24 2006

Nulisnya sih udah lama, 2 taon yg lalu...dan lebih tepatnya membuka luka lama.
Dan gw benar-benar sudah mati rasa, meskipun kadang-kadang masih deg2an kalo ketemu dia,. kebayang betapa dulu kita pernah bikin byk kenangan,
never realize it's all ending like this..

Yeahh you are was my serotonin..but now iam gonna find another great serotonin a.s.a.p.

Daripada disimpen dan dibiarin usang tar malah basi jadi bulukan mknya gw posting aj di sini..berbagi kenangan..halahh *curhat?!najiz lo jUnEou*

Lagian ini lagu belon berhasil digarep-garep juga, gak tau pa tar buat band gw ato malah gw jual ke orang laen.
Tau deh..we'll see aj GemineRs..

Kenapa serotonin?
cari aja tar dikamus kedokteran yah Geminers?

Yg jelas kalo lo bisa meningkatkan serotonin dlm otak kepala lo itu, kagak bakal ada yg namanya Narkoba, our world gonna free from Drugs..
we don't need it more & more!

Creative Commons License
my serotonin by soundtrack hidup is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

1 Comment:

  1. Salsa said...
    itu lagu?

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